Tutorial: Simple Eyes for beginners

First and foremost, Selamat Hari Malaysia!!!

Eyes are the most important thing for a human being....people say, "dari mata turun ke hati..cheewah!". So does a cartoon feel...mcm hidup plak. Regardless using Photoshop brush or barely hand-drawing, simple dots may represent what kind of mood each cartoon character is portraying.

With that, I would say...different eyes represent different expressions in cartoons, caricatures, or doodles.

These are the examples of the simplest eyes with simple dots, by just adding lines….

HoW tO DrAw these EyES usiNg AdoBe PhOTosHop (for beginners):

1) File > New > [width:400, height:200] + Background transparent > OK
2) Click brush tool [right click if it's not], then choose black colour as in the picture...
3) As in the picture, click and choose the brush width: 19
4) Click on two parallel places (points)
5) Again, as in the picture, click and choose the smaller brush width: 9
6) Freely draw a line on each dot....as in the picture.
7) Crop the eyes using crop tool...

8) To save: File > Save as > [Name] + [Format: PNG] & OK

9) Just click OK for either None or Interlace...sama jer.

Happy Drawing!!! Soon, I will teach you how to draw cutie eyes as below….bye.


  1. lol~ so cute ~~~
    walking here with a smile. take care.. have a nice day ~ =D

    http://www.lonelyreload.com (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..

  2. Thank you Mr Lonely, followed you already =)

  3. cutenye...doodle pon cntik...cute..good job ninie..gud luck

  4. nak blaja buat mata yang kat bawah tuuu...hee
