Fish Soup with Ginger

Sup ikan dengan halia


1) Light fry the minced garlic until yellowish brown.
Tumis bawang putih hingga kekuningan.

2) Add the sliced onion and ginger and fry until you get a very nice smell.
Masukkan hirisan bawang besar dan halia dan tumis sehingga bau wangi.

3) Add in the potatoes and lightly fry them together for 1 minute.
Masukkan kentang dan kacau selama 1 minit.

4) Add 4 cups of water (you can add more later if this amount is not enough at step No.6). Wait until it starts to boil.
Masukkan 4 cawan air (boleh tambah lagi jika jumlah ini tidak cukup samase langkah no.6). Tunggu sehingga mendidih.

5) Add the carrots and other vegetables you might have.
Masukkan lobak merah dan sayuran lain yang ada.

6) When the soup starts boiling, you can put in the fish. Don't forget 1 tablespoon of salt! As the cooking goes, you can add more salt to suit your liking.
Apabila sup mulai mendidih, masukkan ikan. Jangan lupa masukkan 1 sudu besar garam! Semasa memasak sup ini, bolehlah ditambah garam lagi mengikut citarasa.

7) In a few minutes, the soup will be ready, now you can garnish it with chopped spring onion.
Dalam beberapa minit lagi, sup akan sedia dihidang, bolehlah tabur hirisan daun bawang sekarang.

8) Serve it with rice. Yummy!
Sedia dihidang bersama nasi. Sedapnya!


Being a single buzibee lady, I simply used one frozen fish fillet (cut into three) and a cup of frozen vegetables (carrot+cauliflower+brocolli).

You should use fresh vegetables instead, so the soup will taste way better than mine.

Good luck!