I really love this feeding set.
It was bought at a local supermarket at RM8.50.
The brand is FIFFY.
The spoon comes in two sizes at both ends.
Both sizes are incredibly suitable for a Baby Alive's mouth.
The small size at one end works fine for Baby Born doll too.
The spoon is suitable for non-magnetic BA
such as the one I'm using as an example.
This one is called Baby Alive- Baby All Gone.
But I should say,
this spoon is not suitable for my two younger nieces.
The two-year-old ones.
They are having hard times to scoop water in the bowl
(Well, I only use mineral water instead of baby doll food
for these two young girls to play because plain water
will not cause any mess....LOL)
As for my eldest niece who is now 6 years old,
she is absolutely fine using this spoon to feed
the dolls either water or doll food.
It is just right for her ability of scooping the water/baby doll food
which obviously the younger girls doesn't have...LOL.
So I usually let the girls use sudu KFC instead.
The tiny white spoon we often get when we purchase a cup of mashed potato.
This little spoon works wonder for their tiny hands!!

Picture credit: nurpunyabelog84.blogspot.com
What kind of spoon do your kids use to feed their dolls?
Bye now.