Sunday 13th of September 2009 9.28 a.m
As I was digging back my Asasi TESL Melaka pictures on my beloved laptop, I notice something I’ve disregarded a long time ago. Silly on me! Supposedly, I could have classified about each of my Asasi TESL friends throughout their crazy photogenic postures since years ago! Well, today’s post, I want to start commenting on HUD @ Hudy Lauruce as he is, sadly, the lowest profile guy in every picture! I know this is not his intention at all. But, talking about height, of course we accidentally forced HUD to stand at the very back of us whenever we took pictures! Poor HUD…..

We are sorry! Obviously, you have the smallest head in every picture, which everyone else could have chances to show their “tahi gigi”. Poor dearly Hood… These are pictures (Asasi TESL Melaka: July 2007 – May 2008) that can be the evidences why I say HUD has the lowest profile among us…he3. He was always smiling at the end of the planet…he could be in Mars or Venus.